Sunday, July 29, 2007

Individual Retirement Account - Tax Free Savings & Investment

An IRA is an Individual Retirement Account. All IRAs allow any earnings to grow tax-deferred which keeps more of your money working for you and allows these tax-advantaged accounts to grow faster than other similar taxable accounts. Other than a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, IRAs are generally regarded as one of the most tax-efficient ways to save for retirement. The most popular IRAs are Roth and Traditional.

Roth IRA...

Maximum Contributions
- $4,000 under age 50
- $5,000 age 50 and over

Tax Advantages
- Earnings may be withdrawn after age 59½ tax-free, provided the account has been open for 5 years
- Contributions can be withdrawn at any time without penalty

- Earnings cannot be withdrawn without a penalty until the account has been open for 5 years
- No Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) at age 70½

Traditional IRA...

    Maximum Contributions
    - $4,000 under age 50
    - $5,000 age 50 and over

    Tax Advantages
    - Earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawal
    - Contributions may be tax-deductible

    - Earnings and tax deductible contributions are taxed as ordinary income when withdrawn after age 59½
    - A Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) must begin after age 70½

    Smart Money Drives the Financial Markets

    A speech from a former syndicate trader, Tom. Would like to watch more videos of this person. That provided awesome knowledge piece on trading and investing.

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    Tax Free Investments - Munis - Municipal Bonds

    It's a nice option for those who want to keep hold of their investment money and also it's Tax free income. That only means, the interest earned from this investment is tax-free. Few of them are Federal Tax Free and few of them are Federal and State Tax free.

    Why tax free?

    Municipal bonds are debt obligations issued by states, cities, counties and other government entities to fund public projects such as construction of schools, highways, hospitals and sewer systems. As an incentive for investors to buy municipal bonds, the interest earned is free from federal, and in some cases, state income tax.

    General Obligation Municipal Bonds are backed by the credit of government issuer. Revenue Municipal Bonds are backed by the funds generated from a specific project (i.e., tolls from a bridge or revenues from a water system). Revenue bonds generally pay higher yields than GO bonds, because payments are secured only by a specific revenue source as opposed to the full taxing authority of the issuer.

    Though the returns from these investments are comparatively less than that from taxable mutual fund investments, it's a good option to generate tax-free income for those who are under higher tax bracket.

    In addition to receiving tax - free income, investors who buy municipal bonds issued in their state of residence may enjoy additional tax benefits. That's because many states do not tax residents on the income earned from munis issued in the state. Buying such funds of other state, may bring federal tax relief but not state taxes.

    Shop Safe - Protect Your Credit Card on Internet

    It happens many a times when we are interested in purchasing a product or a service online, but not sure whether the site is fully secure enough to provide our credit card information to them.

    Here is an excellent service from Bank Of America, that provide the solution to this problem. It's "Shop Safe".

    We just create a virtual credit card, that is in-turn linked to our Bank Of America Credit Card and actual transaction will be processed using original credit card.


    Shop online as you would normally do.

    Provide the virtual (shop safe) credit card number, security(cvc) code and expiry date to this shopping website.

    And when the payment gateway processes the transaction, actual transaction will be processed on your original credit card but the shopping web site never knows that!!

    I would say, Nothing can be secure than this.

    You can enroll into this service with Bank Of America if you are using their Credit Cards, and

    Create a Virtual Credit Card Number which is a similar 16-digit number,

    Create a passcode for that

    Set a Credit Limit

    And an expiry date when do you want this VC to expire!!

    Start Shop Safing!!! I apoligize, Start Safe Shopping.

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    Saturday, July 28, 2007

    Credit Score, Credit Report

    Credit Score Meter or rather Monitor is working all the time. We are always cautious to maintain a good credit score by all means so that it can help us get good mortgage rates and enable us to buy a nice car or may be a home for family.

    Your credit score is a three-digit number. Your credit report contains a history of how you've paid your bills, how much open credit you have, and anything else that would affect your creditworthiness. Your credit score boils down all of that information into a three-digit number. The system awards points based on information in the credit report, and the resulting score is compared to that of other consumers with similar profiles. With this information, lenders can predict how likely someone is to repay a loan and make payments on time. It's the credit score that makes it possible to get instant credit at places like electronics stores and department stores.

    Fair Isaac is an independent company that came up with the scoring method and software used by banks and lenders, insurers and other businesses. Each of the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) worked with Fair Isaac in the early 1980's to come up with the scoring method.

    Until recently, your credit score was not available to you. Now you can get your credit score at a number of Web sites, including the big three credit bureaus, and at Fair Isaac's Web site. You can also ask your lender for access to your score when you apply for a loan.

    The credit score number itself can range from 300 to 900. The formula for exactly how the score is calculated is proprietary information and owned by Fair Isaac.

    • 35 percent of the score is based on your payment history. It also considers how many bills have been paid late, how many were sent out for collection, any bankruptcies, etc. When these things happened also comes into play. The more recent, the worse it will be for your overall score.
    • 30 percent of the score depends on outstanding debt. How much do you owe on any loans? The more cards you have at their limits, the lower your score will be.
    • 15 percent of the score is from how long you've had established credit? More, but good information about your past payment history gives more accurate prediction.
    • 10 percent of the score is based on number of inquires done on your credit report. If you need loans or credit cards in more amount, you are not observing a good financial condition. FICO score uses inquiries in the last year only.
    • 10 percent of of the score is based on the types of credit you currently have. The number of loans and available credit from credit cards you have makes a difference.

    Your credit score directly affects the rate of interest for your loan. Because, higher the credit score, your credit risk decreases.

    Now, the most important part...
    How To Improve Credit Score

    • Review your credit report and correct any errors you find. Sometimes, it can give surprising results.
    • No need to close all unused/old credit card accounts, because that only changes debt ration. Creditors will look at debt-to-credit limit ratio so it's not a bad idea to continue with those unused cards also so that it can balance to debt.
    • More to it, creditors may be looking at age of our accounts, so older accounts can help us here.
    • Reduce your balances on credit cards to 75% or less of your available credit.
    • Most Important! Pay all bills on time.
    • Try to avoid possible credit report inquiry.
    • Try to avoid opening many credit card accounts in a hope that you can increase your available credit.

    If you are refused a loan due to credit score/report, the report requester must have received the reasons in the report. You can try & get it to make things correct.

    I will compile more resources in the context, and post it here.

    Have a Nice Credit!!!

    About This Blog - Money Fetches Money

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    I have created this blog to post few notes/details while learning about finance. I have read the Robert Kiyoski's world best seller book "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Ah! That's an entire topic that can generate few more blog posts. The book tells all about what the rich does and how it different from what a poor does. Well, That book and many others teach one thing for sure..."Money that we already have is one of our many resources" and we need to make that work for us. as we apply our resources to our business. Another thing that I learnt is we should be concentrating on all our executions so as to we increase our assets rather than liabilities. For example, a car purchase increases liability where as a home purchase brings us liabilities too, but it makes us a big asset.

    Well, here on, I'm planning to read and learn about Credit Scores and Credit Reporting, Savings Accounts, CDs, Mutual Funds, Bonds, 401K Plans and other plans, Tax Saving techniques and lot more...